In addition to contents of basic horoscope, it will delineate Saptmansh, Dreshkan, Chaturthansh, Hora, Dashmansh and Dwadashmansh Chakras, Moon and Sudarshan Chakras, Ashtavarga bindu for planets, reduced Ashtak Varga, Ghaat Chakra, Avahara Chakra, Niryana Bhava Chart, Shodadash Vary and Strength of Planets, Upagraha and Planetary Relations, Bhavbhal, Vimhotri dasha, Antar and Pratyantar Dasha, Ashtottari and Yogini Dasha, Important Yogas, Current Year's Varshafal and general interpretation of Jatak's life, personality, characteristics, likely profession, life style, fate, marriage, and progeny etc.
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