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Keshava - Online Psychic | Umastro
I am Keshava Murthy, a Vedic Astrology consultant. Can help you with Career advice, Financial Issues, Health issues, Legal Issues, love and Relationships, Marriage Problems, Match making, Muhurtha, E
Completed Jyothishya Praveena, Jyothishya Visharadha, Jyothishya Vidwan at Bharathiya jyothishya Vidya Kendra
12 years of experience
12 years of experience in Horoscope prediction, ready to solve all type of issues in a human life by using horoscope. If you facing problems in your career, job, love life and relationships, marriage, business, education, then you can consult me to find the solace using the stream of Vedic astrology. If you will give me opportunity to delve deeper into your horoscope, i will be able to provide you lot of insights and reasoning for the problems and situation being faced by you.
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