I am a learned vaastu expert from South India, and am well-versed in various Indian Scriptures like the Vedas, Puranas and Upanishads. My experience revolves a
His Assets
Understands Psychology
The art of Hypnotherapy is used to understand and solve the behavioural patterns in people. This helps in removing deep seated fears and phobias and other problems. The origin of deep seated problems, personality traits could be in the previous incarnation of a person and for this hynosis is used for past life regression. As the subconscious mind is a link between the present and the past lives, tapping the subconscious mind is also essential. He has received qualification and training in Past Life Regression Therapy, and talking to subconscious and spirit release from the California Hypnosis institute, California, USA. He has done Clinical Hynotherapy from the California Hypnosis institute, California, USA. He only uses this therapy to solve problems after vaastu defects are removed.
Helps Control Yourself
He runs specialised courses for corporate houses in Self Hynosis, Stress Management, Prosperity Development and Global Achievement. Through these courses he has brought greater effeciency, increased productivity and turnover, quality service and stress-free atmosphere to many organisations. He also provides courses in 'Sex, communication and happiness', and especially for NRI's, 'Secrets of Vedic culture'.
Balance Energy
Energy cleansing helps in getting rid of negative or bad vibrations or in other words evil spirits and fill the space with positive and harmonious ones. We will like to have a place where we feel comfortable and relaxed and a home is such a place. But due to the presence of negative vibrations the place may not give peace and tranquilly, therefore energy clearance is required. Dr Puneet Chawla is an adept in this field. He holds an MBBS degree,as a doctor in Alternative Medicine, from the Institute of Alternative Medicine and Research, Kolkata(India). He has also undertaken courses in energy healing such as Panic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy, and Crystal Therapy from the World Pranic Healing Foundation Inc., Manila, Philippines.
His Miscellaneous Achivements
Dr Puneet Chawla's weekly columns and innumerable write-ups on Vaastu-related issues in national newspaper supplements like 'What's Hot'(Times of India), and 'HT City'(Hindustan Times), have created a large readers base. He appears in regular Live Television show in one of the country's leading News Channel 'LIVE INDIA'. This is a one hour show and creates lot of TRP for the program. This show is telecasted directly on Saturdays and Sundays. Apart from this programme he keeps appearing on various other TV-channels like Aastha TV, Sadhana TV, etc from time to time.
His Dreams
He is a visionary and dreams of harmonious peaeful and happier world. For realising his dreams he is professionally dedicated to serving the society, Dr Chawla believes that problems and achievement's in ones life are subject to destiny, Karmic effects and environmental conditions (vaastu). In order to enjoy a happy and easy life, one can manipulate these three conditions, and control and guide his/her fortune.
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\r\nUnderstands Psychology
\r\nThe art of Hypnotherapy is used to understand and solve the behavioural patterns in people. This helps in removing deep seated fears and phobias and other problems. The origin of deep seated problems, personality traits could be in the previous incarnation of a person and for this hynosis is used for past life regression. As the subconscious mind is a link between the present and the past lives, tapping the subconscious mind is also essential. He has received qualification and training in Past Life Regression Therapy, and talking to subconscious and spirit release from the California Hypnosis institute, California, USA. He has done Clinical Hynotherapy from the California Hypnosis institute, California, USA. He only uses this therapy to solve problems after vaastu defects are removed.
\r\nHelps Control Yourself
\r\nHe runs specialised courses for corporate houses in Self Hynosis, Stress Management, Prosperity Development and Global Achievement. Through these courses he has brought greater effeciency, increased productivity and turnover, quality service and stress-free atmosphere to many organisations. He also provides courses in 'Sex, communication and happiness', and especially for NRI's, 'Secrets of Vedic culture'.
\r\nBalance Energy
\r\nEnergy cleansing helps in getting rid of negative or bad vibrations or in other words evil spirits and fill the space with positive and harmonious ones. We will like to have a place where we feel comfortable and relaxed and a home is such a place. But due to the presence of negative vibrations the place may not give peace and tranquilly, therefore energy clearance is required. Dr Puneet Chawla is an adept in this field. He holds an MBBS degree,as a doctor in Alternative Medicine, from the Institute of Alternative Medicine and Research, Kolkata(India). He has also undertaken courses in energy healing such as Panic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy, and Crystal Therapy from the World Pranic Healing Foundation Inc., Manila, Philippines.
\r\nHis Miscellaneous Achivements
\r\nDr Puneet Chawla's weekly columns and innumerable write-ups on Vaastu-related issues in national newspaper supplements like 'What's Hot'(Times of India), and 'HT City'(Hindustan Times), have created a large readers base. He appears in regular Live Television show in one of the country's leading News Channel 'LIVE INDIA'. This is a one hour show and creates lot of TRP for the program. This show is telecasted directly on Saturdays and Sundays. Apart from this programme he keeps appearing on various other TV-channels like Aastha TV, Sadhana TV, etc from time to time.
\r\nHis Dreams
\r\nHe is a visionary and dreams of harmonious peaeful and happier world. For realising his dreams he is professionally dedicated to serving the society, Dr Chawla believes that problems and achievement's in ones life are subject to destiny, Karmic effects and environmental conditions (vaastu). In order to enjoy a happy and easy life, one can manipulate these three conditions, and control and guide his/her fortune.","DetailedDescription":"","Languages":"English","ImageUrl":"/images/experts/small/81283.jpg","PrimaryCurrency":"INR","ImageUrlLarge":"81283","ImageUrlSmall":null,"CCPM":100.00,"CCPC":0.0,"CCPE":600.00,"CCPQ":0.0,"CCP3Q":0.0,"CCP5Q":0.0,"CCPMINR":100.00,"CCPCINR":-1.0,"CCPQINR":0.0,"CCP3QINR":0.0,"CCP5QINR":0.0,"CCPEINR":600.00,"CCPMUSD":1.25,"CCPCUSD":-0.01,"CCPQUSD":0.0,"CCP3QUSD":0.0,"CCP5QUSD":0.0,"CCPEUSD":7.53,"OfferList":[],"CCT":0,"CCTMin":0,"LastPaidSessionUpdateOn":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","LastFreeSessionUpdateOn":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","CurrentDate":"2025-02-22T21:21:07.067","ExchangeRateUSDToINRSingle":83.7000000000,"DollarLoad":5.00,"ShowExpertsForCommMode":0,"ShowExpertsForChargeType":0,"ExpertSessionPaidType":0,"ShowChatButton":false,"ShowPhoneButton":false,"isbz":false,"ShowEmailButton":false,"IsNotifyMeBtnVisible":false,"ShowOnline":false,"IsCCPEOn":false,"onst":false,"OnlineStatusMessenger":false,"OnlineStatusMessengerOn":null,"InSessionStatus":false,"InSessionStatusOn":null,"IsAvailableForChat":true,"IsAvailableForPhone":false,"IsChatPipeOn":true,"IsPhonePipeOn":true,"OnlineStatusByFCM":false,"OnlineStatusByFCMValidUpto":null,"OnlineStatusDisplay":null,"irtl":false,"irtlon":null,"nxacon":null,"nxapon":null,"IsSeeAllVisible":false,"PhoneServiceStatus":0,"ExpertItemTab":{"IsTbhCCPEVisible":false,"IsTbcCCPEVisible":false,"IsTbhCCPMVisible":false,"IsTbcCCPMVisible":false,"IsTbhCCPCVisible":false,"IsTbcCCPCVisible":false,"IsTbhCCPMPhoneVisible":false,"IsTbcCCPMPhoneVisible":false},"esch":[{"Price":100.00,"OfferPrice":100.00,"Currency":0,"SessionCommMode":1,"SessionChargeType":1,"SessionDurationSec":-1,"csfwof":false,"csfw1u":false,"pogui":null,"poid":0,"podid":0,"poflid":0,"poflgui":null,"prpowt":0,"PriceINR":100.00,"PriceUSD":1.25,"OfferPriceINR":100.00,"OfferPriceUSD":1.25,"PriceINRFinal":100.00,"PriceUSDFinal":1.25,"pinrusd":null},{"Price":100.00,"OfferPrice":100.00,"Currency":0,"SessionCommMode":2,"SessionChargeType":1,"SessionDurationSec":-1,"csfwof":false,"csfw1u":false,"pogui":null,"poid":0,"podid":0,"poflid":0,"poflgui":null,"prpowt":0,"PriceINR":100.00,"PriceUSD":1.25,"OfferPriceINR":100.00,"OfferPriceUSD":1.25,"PriceINRFinal":100.00,"PriceUSDFinal":1.25,"pinrusd":null},{"Price":-1.0,"OfferPrice":-1.0,"Currency":0,"SessionCommMode":1,"SessionChargeType":5,"SessionDurationSec":-1,"csfwof":false,"csfw1u":false,"pogui":null,"poid":0,"podid":0,"poflid":0,"poflgui":null,"prpowt":0,"PriceINR":-1.0,"PriceUSD":-0.01,"OfferPriceINR":-1.0,"OfferPriceUSD":-0.01,"PriceINRFinal":-1.0,"PriceUSDFinal":-0.01,"pinrusd":null},{"Price":600.00,"OfferPrice":600.00,"Currency":0,"SessionCommMode":3,"SessionChargeType":7,"SessionDurationSec":-1,"csfwof":false,"csfw1u":false,"pogui":null,"poid":0,"podid":0,"poflid":0,"poflgui":null,"prpowt":0,"PriceINR":600.00,"PriceUSD":7.53,"OfferPriceINR":600.00,"OfferPriceUSD":7.53,"PriceINRFinal":600.00,"PriceUSDFinal":7.53,"pinrusd":null}],"efsl":{"scm":0,"sct":0,"pwfsl":0,"pwfsh":0,"ispwfsonn":false,"ispwfsonc":false},"expst":1,"eprst":1,"eprsm":0,"icwir":true,"prflid":0,"isprmaex":false,"uspfcp":0,"IsTabSessionSelected":false,"IsTabEmailSelected":true,"IsTabMinuteSelected":false,"IsTabMinutePhoneSelected":false,"IsTabCCPMPhoneSelected":false,"ThumbnailImageUrl":"/images/experts/small/81283.jpg","IsCCPCAvailable":false,"IsCCPMAvailable":true,"IsCCPEAvailable":true,"IsExpertsShownWCommModeChat":false,"IsExpertsShownWCommModePhone":false,"IsExpertsShownWCommModeEmail":false,"IsCommModeChatOrPhone":false,"IsCommModePhoneOrEmail":false,"IsTabCCPCVisible":false,"IsTabCCPMVisible":false,"IsTabCCPEVisible":true,"IsTabCCPMPhoneVisible":false,"ShowMessageButton":false,"IsDisplayPriceSessionChargeTypeCCPM":false,"IsDisplayPriceSessionChargeTypeCCPC":false,"IsDisplayPriceSessionChargeTypeCCPE":false,"Id":"180","CreatedOn":null,"UpdatedOn":null,"Deleted":false,"Version":null,"vsnn":null,"ExMsg":null,"ErrMsg":null,"SiteId":null,"MessengerType":0,"rs":0,"msng":null,"rtag":null,"msid":0,"msgui":null,"tags":{}}