Tarot Reader-11 yrs experience
Tina is a Tarot reader, Sound & Reiki healer with an experience of more than 11 years in providing guidance and detailed insight on queries asked
I am a Tarot Practitioner and Healer. Also a graduate in Biotechnology, Genetics and Biochemistry
I have an experience of more than 11 years. Certified Tarot Reader and Tarot Healer and Reiki Healer
Hi there! I am Tina, a Tarot Reader, Sound healer and a Reiki Healer with more than 10 years of experience. in providing detailed, accurate and honest insights on relations, career, love, friendship, money, job, family issues, travel-settling abroad, marriage, health etc.
I am a Certified Tarot Reader, Reiki and Sound Healer. My readings are always completely honest and compassionate. I was 15 when I first experienced my gifts and started with the studies and my journey with Tarot. Working with Tarot has made me realize that Tarot can answer any question and be a guide for every person. It does not decide your future because future, apart from destiny is also based on your actions and decisions. As your present is based on the actions/ decisions made in past - SIMILARLY - your future is based on the actions/ choices/ decisions you make now. When we are unclear or unsure of which path to opt for, what's best for us, why things happened the way the have - it helps you and guides you with the decisions you should and shouldn’t make.
I have experienced this gift and I believe in helping as many people I can with their journey of life. I am already giving online Tarot readings worldwide and have always gained positive feedback.
More about me - Member of Tarot professionals and other panels offering world-wide services.
I can provide answer to single question or layout from one card to full spread related to all subject of life
Below you will find what people have said about my readings and how they have been helped
by DrQ: Hi Tina thanks for a lovely reading I feel - up and ready for action now! by RemiDaily
Tina. .... No I THANK YOU! For the most accurate reading. Please see the readers exchange for my rating of you.
by Mindel tina is a joy! i enjoyed my reading and felt a true healing. tina's insight is pure, the cards are just her springboard, she has a true gift of intuition and connects for you. a gentle and kind soul...so glad to have met you. i look forward to our tarot jounerying. Mindel by Crowdancer Tina thank you so much for the Incredible reading, you were beyond accurate and you have an amazing gift, i know in my heart you will go far with your Intuitive gifts and you will help many people along the way. i am deeply honored to call you a friend and i am thankful for such an amazing reading thank you again Crowdancer
by TAROT FAN Dear Tina: What a compassionate and beautiful being you are! It really comes through in your readings, you certainly are honest as you stated in your profile, it's been an honor to talk to you and share my concerns, your guides gave me beautiful advice. Can't wait to talk to you in the future. God bless by nicky Tina did a general reading for me tonight. This is one gifted lady Tina was spot on describing a work mate, family, job. I am fully confident with Tina If you have any questions just let Tina know and she will give you an accurate and detailed reading. 10 out of 10 i give her. Thanks Tina i am so pleased that we are friend. Wishing you love peace joy and happiness : )
Remember 'Tarot never lies' - my mantra is to pass on the exact message to you - no sugar coating, no false promises - only truth and honesty! If you have any question - do not hesitate to seek help! Hope to help you soon :)
{"UserId":"89713","EProfileId":"2754","scat":11602,"ScreenName":"Tina","ScreenNameForURL":null,"EmailAddress":"","UserType":"","BriefDescription":"Tarot Reader-11 yrs experience \r\nTina is a Tarot reader, Sound & Reiki healer with an experience of more than 11 years in providing guidance and detailed insight on queries asked","Degrees":"I am a Tarot Practitioner and Healer. Also a graduate in Biotechnology, Genetics and Biochemistry\r\n\r\n","Experience":"I have an experience of more than 11 years. Certified Tarot Reader and Tarot Healer and Reiki Healer","DetailedDescription":"Hi there! I am Tina, a Tarot Reader, Sound healer and a Reiki Healer with more than 10 years of experience. in providing detailed, accurate and honest insights on relations, career, love, friendship, money, job, family issues, travel-settling abroad, marriage, health etc.
\r\n\r\nI am a Certified Tarot Reader, Reiki and Sound Healer. My readings are always completely honest and compassionate. I was 15 when I first experienced my gifts and started with the studies and my journey with Tarot. Working with Tarot has made me realize that Tarot can answer any question and be a guide for every person. It does not decide your future because future, apart from destiny is also based on your actions and decisions. As your present is based on the actions/ decisions made in past - SIMILARLY - your future is based on the actions/ choices/ decisions you make now. When we are unclear or unsure of which path to opt for, what's best for us, why things happened the way the have - it helps you and guides you with the decisions you should and shouldn’t make.
\r\n\r\nI have experienced this gift and I believe in helping as many people I can with their journey of life. I am already giving online Tarot readings worldwide and have always gained positive feedback.
\r\n\r\nMore about me - Member of Tarot professionals and other panels offering world-wide services.
\r\n\r\nI can provide answer to single question or layout from one card to full spread related to all subject of life\r\nBelow you will find what people have said about my readings and how they have been helped
\r\nby DrQ: Hi Tina thanks for a lovely reading I feel - up and ready for action now! by RemiDaily
\r\nTina. .... No I THANK YOU! For the most accurate reading. Please see the readers exchange for my rating of you.
\r\nby Mindel tina is a joy! i enjoyed my reading and felt a true healing. tina's insight is pure, the cards are just her springboard, she has a true gift of intuition and connects for you. a gentle and kind soul...so glad to have met you. i look forward to our tarot jounerying. Mindel by Crowdancer Tina thank you so much for the Incredible reading, you were beyond accurate and you have an amazing gift, i know in my heart you will go far with your Intuitive gifts and you will help many people along the way. i am deeply honored to call you a friend and i am thankful for such an amazing reading thank you again Crowdancer
by TAROT FAN Dear Tina: What a compassionate and beautiful being you are! It really comes through in your readings, you certainly are honest as you stated in your profile, it's been an honor to talk to you and share my concerns, your guides gave me beautiful advice. Can't wait to talk to you in the future. God bless by nicky Tina did a general reading for me tonight. This is one gifted lady Tina was spot on describing a work mate, family, job. I am fully confident with Tina If you have any questions just let Tina know and she will give you an accurate and detailed reading. 10 out of 10 i give her. Thanks Tina i am so pleased that we are friend. Wishing you love peace joy and happiness : )
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