Veenu Sharma has been involved with astrology for the last 20 years. After completing her graduation in Home Science, she worked in the copraporate sector for
{"UserId":"81251","EProfileId":"2676","scat":11602,"ScreenName":"Veenu Sharma","ScreenNameForURL":null,"EmailAddress":"","UserType":"","BriefDescription":"Veenu Sharma has been involved with astrology for the last 20 years. After completing her graduation in Home Science, she worked in the copraporate sector for ","Degrees":"","Experience":"I have got the experience in providing an individual an insight into:
- \r\nHoroscope Charts with most accurate and specific calculations, as per Vedic astrology - Birth Chart, Moon Chart, 'Navamsha' & 'Bhava' Charts.\r\n
- Information about your nature and personality, your physical characteristics, your positive and negative traits, as predicted by Jyotish and Shastras and as interpreted by modern astrology; \r\n
- Useful information like your Lucky Color, Lucky Number, Lucky Day; Auspicious & Inauspicious Days, Dates, Months etc.; \r\n
- Details about your Wealth and Fortune, Love and Marriage, Health and Diseases, Family and Children, Work and Profession, as per your Horoscope.