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Appease Nakshatras to Get Back Lost Valuables

Appease Nakshatras to Get Back Lost Valuables

It used to be said that only fools lose money or valuables. But now every one of us lose one or the other thing every now and then. As it is we are more occupied due to hurried lifestyles, demanding deadlines and challenging situations. In any case, a loss is a loss. Once we have lost something, all others make us feel small, foolish and ridiculous.

Once a man was crossing a forest and he was robbed of his valuables by a vagabond. When the victim reached his friend, he narrated the unfortunate incident. The friend asked, "But you have a pistol I recollect?" This victim replied, "Oh thank God, he couldn't know of it, or else he would have robbed me of this pistol too that I have had for the last 20 years".

In the light of Nakshatras we can know the fate of loss of our valuables and by appeasing them the Vedic ways; we can help ourselves against the losses.

The Nakshatras can be classified regarding the theft, losses of valuables etc as follows:

1.     Andhandha Nakshatras: They are Rohini, Pushya, Uttra Phalguni, Vishakha, Poorvashadha, Dhanishtha and Revati. In these, the lost articles are got back soon with  some efforts.

2.    Madhyandha Nakshatras: They are-Adra, Magha, Bharni, Chitra, Jyeshtha, Poorvabhadrapada. In these, the lost articles are very difficult to get back.

3.    Mandhandha Nakshatras: They are-Ashwini, Mrigshira, Aashlesha, Hasta, Anuradha, Uttrashadha, Shatbhisha. In these, the lost articles are taken towards South side and are  got back soon with  somewhat more efforts.

4.   Sulochana Nakshatras: They are-Kratika, Punarvasu, Poorvaphalguni, Swati, Moola, Shravana, and Uttrabhadrapada. In these, the lost articles are difficult to trace and are  difficult to get back also. They require greater efforts.

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