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Cancer Problem And Treatment (Part-II)

Cancer Problem And Treatment (Part-II)

Astrological Causes of cancer:

Cancers are of two types : First is benign or very slow, so slow that Cancer may not strike at all. This is controlled by Jupiter. The second is malignant or fast growth or attack is controlled by malefic planets like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, Ketu, Sun and weak Moon.


Cancer is one of the most dreaded of the diseases. There is worldwide ongoing research on the causes, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of Cancer. Yet the numbers of patients are increasing. After the treatment, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation etc., the problem of relapse or re-attack of Cancer is deadly. If the cause, the planets responsible are appeased and Vedic remedies are performed, there will be no attack or re-attack of Cancer. So if the cause is treated astrologically treatment, there will be no Cancer and if the cause is treated after detection, there will be no "Re-Attack of Cancer". 

Nakshatras and Cancer:

The Nakshatras involved are: Kratika, Uttra Phalguni, Uttrashadha, Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Revati, Mragshira, Chitra, Dhanishtha, Pushya, Anuradha, Uttra Bhadrapad etc.  

The Planets And Cancer:  

1.    If Sun and Mercury are in 4th or 8th or 12th signs i.e., Cancer or Scorpio or Pieces, and Mars or Saturn aspect them. The person will suffer from Cancer of the area where the Signs exist.

2.    If Mars or Mars and Sun or Mars and Mercury are in 4th or 8 th or 12th signs i.e., Cancer or Scorpio or Pieces, and Sun or Saturn or both aspect them. The person will suffer from Cancer of the area where the Signs exist. Here, one of the parents will have the cancer and then the person with these combinations.

3.   If the lord of 6th house is in 8th house, the person will suffer from the cancer of the area where the Signs exist.

4.  Jupiter is the cause of benign or non-cancerous growth while Saturn, Rahu, Mars and Sun cause cancerous growth.

5.  If Jupiter has influence of two or more natural malefic, or due to lordship, or its houses occupied by 2 or more malefic or 6h house affliction, there will be cancer in that area. More so, if 6th lord is a natural malefic and 1st lord is weak. Relation of Saturn with 1st or 6th or 8th house cause chronic sufferings.

6.  Moon is afflicted by 2 or more natural malefics.

7. As per Bhrigu Sahmita, if 6th or 8th lord is in 1st house and is afflicted by 2 or more malefic, there will be tumor. Malignant tumor is Cancer.

8. When weak 1st lord, Rahu in a degree conjunction with a planet, one will have cancer in the area related to that planet.

9. When 6th lord is malefic and is in 1st  /6th /8th/10th houses, and not influenced by any natural benefic planet, one will have cancer.

10. Conjunction of Jupiter, Ketu Venus in any sign and the influence of another malefic will cause cancer.

11. If Saturn and Mars are associated with Jupiter and Rahu, either due to conjunction or aspect, Cancer may be caused.

          12. If Moon is afflicted by 3 malefics and 1st lord is weak, cancer will be caused.

          13. When Sun, Moon and 1st lord are afflicted, cancer is caused.

          14. When Mars, Saturn and Rahu are in any sign, one will have cancer.

 15. When signs like Cancer, Scorpio and Pieces or 4th, 8th or 12th houses are influenced by 2 or more malefics, blood cancer is caused. 

          16. Sun with the direct influence of Kaal-Sarpa yoga will cause cancer.

          17. Moon with influence of 2 or more malefic will cause throat cancer.

          18. Moon an Venus with the influence of 2 or more malefic case cancer of stomach.

          19. Moon influenced by both Mars and Saturn lead to cancer of breast or cervix.

 20. If Moon is with Saturn in a sign, and is in Navamsha of Cancer, Scorpio or Aquarius, one will have cancer.

 21. If Rahu or Ketu is in 3rd/6th/8th or 12th house from Mars or Saturn or both, and these having further influence of a malefic planet, cancer  will be caused.

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