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Internal Principles for Success

Internal Principles for Success

A temple in Thailand, for centuries housed a massive clay statue of smiling Buddha. In 1957, the monks were required to relocate the statue because of a highway that was being built. They organized a crane to carefully lift the sacred clay Buddha, and were surprised by its unexpected weight. The monks felt cracking down of the idol, and had to put it down to avoid further damage.  But to make the matter worse, the rain began to fall on the statue, which was aptly covered with canvas. The head monk checked the statue minutely and noticed a golden sparkle deep inside the crack, and with the help of monks, the clay was chipped off with hammers and chisel. And that unveiled the secret; there stood a magnificent solid-gold smiling Buddha, before the joyous monks. Later historians found that centuries earlier, this temple was in grave danger of attack by invading Burmese Army, the then monks covered it with twelve inches of clay hoping the soldiers will see little value in an earthen idol. The army indeed did come, and killed all the monks. Thus their secret remained concealed until that momentous day in 1957. 

The Golden Buddha is a magnificent similarity for the hidden genius in all of us. As we grow from childhood, we begin to cover our perfect internal genius with all sorts of superfluous clay. Thus our pure "golden-essence" is plastered all over ourselves as we grow, like the clay covering the ancient Golden Buddha. Fear and doubt are the main ingredients in the clay that envelop us and can stifle our confidence and trust. With time, the clay can become so thick that our internal qualities fade from memory until they are completely hidden. 

Like the head monk, we need to know where and how to begin using hammer and chisel, the right ways to enable us remove our layers of apprehension, fear and self doubt and liberate our "golden-self", the inner glow. Look at the powerful equation:  

Concept + Detail+ Change + KARMA (Action)+ Discipline + Focus + Self-Esteem + Spiritual Quotient=Success.  

Let's try to observe every object in our surroundings, furniture, walls, ceilings etc., and ask a question: What does every object and structure we observed have in common, aside from being located in the same general area? All the objects and structures we noticed were created in the same special place and forged from the same remarkable raw material. The special place is Human Mind. The greatest undeveloped territory lies under our hat. Further, the raw material is a Concept i.e., an Idea. Nothing dies faster than a new idea in a closed mind. And human mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open. "The ancestor of every action is a thought", said Ralph Waldo Emerson. 

So, how does a formless, intangible idea materialize? Why a thought fades into hidden memory and the other thought actually translates into reality? They are: 

The first is detail. Transforming an idea is made possible by adding greater and greater detail that ignites the process of its actualization, i.e., towards success. If we think of any of the man made items, we find that someone had an idea, say, for a place to sit. When the tools and materials were gathered, to actually build the chair, then only we can go ahead. Albert Einstein says, "I want to know God's thoughts?, the rest are details". Nelson Jackson said, "We cannot do today's jobs with yesterday's methods and be in business tomorrow".

The second tool of transforming a concept is the Change. It is said that the only constant is Change. We are also naturally and involuntarily changing every bit of seconds. Our own body system changes every seven years. We must keep ourselves amenable to changes; in fact change ourselves before the change not with the change. Change expects instant decision to change. Or else, our competitors will leave us light years behind. Still bringing change in the self is most difficult but rewarding. Further, "Change is not made without inconvenience, even from worst to better", said Richard Hooker.

The Buddha taught for the change to the classic and legendary ethical "Eight-Fold" path, towards self management:  

a. Right-Belief (right-concepts, self-esteem & faith in organization & strategies),

b. Right-Aspirations (right goals & motivations),

c. Right-Speech (right knowledge & communication),

d. Right-Actions (in view of objectives, customers & competition),

e. Right-Concentration (right focus),

f. Right-Conduct (Curiosity, Creativity, Commitment),

g. Right-Livelihood,

h. Right-Meditation (planning, organizing, leading to ultimate goals) etc.

                                                                   ---Buddhism, Pali Canon.

3. The third tool of transformation is applied, namely, Karma or Action. When we develop a concept by visualizing with fine detail, we transform the thought into belief. When we fail to act on our beliefs, we start delaying actualization of success or results. As only through the act of doing does an idea transform into reality. It has been said that doing what we know, rather than knowing what to do, is what makes the difference. The combination of belief plus action creates experiences that ultimately lead to wisdom. It has been wisely said that, do what you think is right and that it was right. We must always behave like a duck?stay calm and unruffled on the surface; but paddle like the devil underneath. Martin Luther Kind suggests, "Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable?, this is no time for apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and positive action". Swami Vivekanand says, "Karma or Action is the eternal assertion of human freedom?, our thoughts, our words, and deeds are the threads of the net which we throw around ourselves". And says further, "Let's perfect the means, the end will take care of itself." There is nothing unfamiliar about Law of Karma. We know the expression, "What we sow is what we reap". So to achieve our goal of success and happiness, we must learn to sow the seeds of success and happiness. Therefore, Karma implies the Action of conscious choice-making. Action, which is focused, analyzed and consistent, that Action?is the precursor of all great accomplishments. In fact, we learn by doing, remember by doing, we do by doing and we self-actualize by doing! A fish perishes when out of water, so does a man who forgets his duties.  

Guru Nanak says :

"Make right Actions your soil,

The wise concepts with devotion as your seed,

All the time irrigate it with the water of truthfulness,

Faith will grow to Success,

Even a fool will know the distinction,

Between success and failure, and heaven and hell". 

W. Clement Stone said, "Without action, a good decision becomes meaningless, for the desire itself can die through lack of an attempt to achieve its fulfillment". Further, said Brian Tracy, "Those who act boldly, unseen forces come to their aid".

The Upanishads explain :

"You are what your deep, driving desire is;

As your desire is so is your will.

As your will is, so is your Karma,

As your Karma is, so is your destiny". --Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.4.5. 

4.  The fourth tool of transformation is Discipline and that is self control and respect of time. Lord Krishna says, "He who has conquered himself by the Self, he is the friend of himself; but he whose self is unconquered, his self acts as his own enemy like external enemy". Gita VI.6. Also, who conquers others is strong; who conquers others is mighty". Tao Te Ching. XXXIII. Going on with back to basics intentions, the control of habits, innovating and completing a task without delaying is catalyst to success. "In His wisdom, God gives to each of us a limited, finite number of hours a year in which to achieve our goals, both material and spiritual. He gives us these hours in a sequence; they are neither repeatable nor refundable. He gives the same amount to the rich and to the poor, to the young and to the old. Whatever successes we may achieve in this life will come from the purpose to which we put God's priceless gift?TIME". Leon A. Danco, PhD, Centre for Family Business, USA. 

The research has proved the following fifteen actionable principles, the building blocks of leadership in success. We need to take consistent action to develop our performance in each of these areas to constantly improve ability to lead first ourselves and then others. 

Karma or Action & Industriousness, 2. Enthusiasm, 3. Friendship, 4. Loyalty, 5.  Cooperation, 6. Self-Control, 7. Alertness & sense of urgency, 8. Initiative, 9. Intentness, 10.Condition, 11. Skill, 12. Team Spirit, 13. Poise 14.     Confidence & 15. Competitive Greatness. 

5. Focus (on fundamentals) : In Vedas, it is said that "Yatha Pinde, Tatha Brahmande", meaning "As is the atom, so is the universe, internal and external". Every great leader, guru and coach has stressed the importance of fundamentals for success and leadership in all aspects of internal, external, personal and professional life. Mahatma Gandhi established several fundamental disciplines that he practiced religiously as a way to strengthen his connection to his beliefs. Each day he walked four to six miles as the sun rose, wove at least two hundred yards of yarn into cloth and maintained a very simple, healthful diet that kept him remarkably fit physically and mentally throughout his long life. While using the above principles as a road map to self leadership and success, the three fundamentals need to be strong:  

1.  Develop inner perspective.

2.  Be an example.

3.  Use all the fifteen principles as building blocks with an interdependent approach. 

6. Spiritual Quotient: Prayer should be our first resource rather than last resort. Think of the word B-O-L-D which must represent: 

1.   Banish negative thinking.

2. Open your mind to God's dreams.

3.   Look for ways to come back to success.

4.   Daily take steps in that direction.

The winning attitude is, I can do plenty alone?but with God I can do more, because through prayer, the impossible becomes "Him-possible".  

Our dreams come true when we move with a sense of urgency. That is to "S-T-R-I-V-E". Focus on STRIVE. Let your positive emotions be charged up with this power producing word?"strive"?and you will arrive! 

S-Start Small

T-Think Possibilities

R-Reach a Little Further

I-Invest Wisely

V-Visualize Success

E-Expand Carefully. 

A possibility must move from the nesting phase through testing phase into cresting phase. When God says, "Go", the dreamer leaps. He holds nothings back in himself. He presses into his dream everything he has?and more! With total commitment! Nothing less will work. 

It is a commitment to a commencement?he will get started!

It is a commitment to continuity?he will follow through!

It is a commitment to concentration?he will focus it all!

It's a commitment to completion?he will finish best what he started with excellence.  

Lord Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892) says:

"Every man has, And has had from everlasting,

His true and perfect being in Divine Consciousness".    

Self Esteem (& Will Power): Self esteem thrives on self motivation, indomitable spirit, enthusiasm and will power. The "Will opens the door to success", said Dr. Louis Pasteur. Unless you knock out "T" out of "CAN'T", you will never get what you want. "Might have been" will always remain "might have been" but "cans" will always succeed. Failure comes in "cants", success comes in "cans". The life is like a game of football or even boxing that everyone seems facing. Either you win, or your competitor. Either customer comes to you, or goes to competitor. The coach James J. Corbett advises, to combat failure and achieve success, "Fight one more round. When your feet are so tired that you have to shuffle back to the centre of the ring, fight one more round; When your arms are so tired that you can hardly lift your hands to come on guard, fight one more round; When your nose is bleeding and your eyes are black and you are so tired that you wish your opponent would crack you on the jaw and put you to sleep, fight one more round?remembering that the man who fights one more round is never wiped". Tennyson has very well said:

Well of him who has a will strong!

He suffers but he cannot suffer wrong!

He suffers but he cannot suffer wrong! 

The enemy of the "best" is "good". 

Wishing you all the success.

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