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Katha - Upanishad and The Ultimate Knowledge

Katha - Upanishad and The Ultimate Knowledge

There is the instance that a realized soul and Brahman, Vajashravasa, was gifting his possessions to all and realized souls, the Brahmans. His son Nachiketas, also a realized Atma, observed that the cows in gifts were old and valueless, and asked if  he himself could be donated? Vajashravasa lost his temper and rebuked, "I will give you to the death". Nachiketas, being dutiful son, went to Yama, the Death-God. Yama, moved to see this realized soul at his door step, waiting for 3 days without food and water, and offered three blessings to Nachiketas, who in turn asked as first blessing that he should be welcomed by his father on return with happiness, as the second blessing, Yagna, the fire sacrifice, to be taught which provides with the long life of gods, and as the third, Nachiketas asked to know life and soul after death? Yama granted the first two blessings and tried to distract the boy for third, but due to persistence of Nachiketas, ultimately explained in the discourse of Katha-Upanishad (chapters 2-6), liberating Nachiketas from the vicious cycle of rebirths : 

1. Ultimate good and Pleasures: One path leads to stage of Atma and manifestation of Parmatma, liberation from the senses, salvation; and the other path of sense pleasures, leads to bondage and agony since no sense can ever be satisfied. We have to use our wisdom to select the right path.

2. Realization of Atma:  Atma, Soul can be realized by a true devotee through the methodology learnt from a realized person, observing attributes like peace of mind, righteousness, self-restraint of the senses and meditation thus attaining the inner vision and one-ness of Atma & Parmatma.

3. The ladder from senses upto Parmatma, Super soul: The sense organs are on the lowest plane, second are their satisfying objects, third is mind, the fourth is wisdom,  the fifth is Atma, Soul, and the sixth plane is Parmatma or Supersoul.

4. Properties of Atman: Men are in the vicious cycle of pain through sense organs, fulfillment of their desire, birth, old age and death. Some wise, with the help of realized Guru are able to envision Atma inwards. From Atma arises Sun and all gods too are fixed alongside like spokes of a wheel to its axle. The universe is only an outer expression of Atma & Parmatma, while inside and permeates the universe, immutable and unchangeable at all times. The life-breath depends on Atma.

5. Atma after death: Some souls take rebirth as plants, animals or humans as per their Karmas. The Atma regulates itself as per the bodies; adjusts its shape, like air or fire and is the eternal witness with sameness in all the three states of consciousness, i.e., waking, sleep and deep dreamless sleep. As the Sun makes visibility of every object, yet is untouched by the defects of the lighted objects, so is the Atma, untouched by the miseries of the objects or the bodies. Only those seekers who envision Atma have peace, bliss and happiness and are one with Parmatma.

6. Seeing Atman: The source of all creation is Parmatma, Supersoul. To free ourselves from the ills of worldly bondage and vicious cycle, we must know Him. The moment we see Atma, which is seen distinct from the senses, all grief is ended. Having realized Atma & Parmatma, one is liberated and achieves immortality.

7. Parmatma, Super soul : No man can see the Divine Parmatma with normal human eyes. He is revealed when the Divya-Chakshu, Divine-Eye is opened and supreme meditative state is achieved and yet one is doing day to day activities unaffected.

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