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Lord Krishna and The Laws of Success

Lord Krishna and The Laws of Success

Success is difficult to achieve, in-as-much it eludes. Success is difficult to be defined as most people compare theirs with others. Success is actually different with people and is as per their perspective, nothing more. Very aptly says Hazrat Inayat Khan, "The secret of life is balance and the absence of balance is life's destruction". We have to strike the balance between the two. So the definition can be, "Success is the continuous accomplishment of planned objectives which are worthwhile to you".

"The great thing is not so much where we are", as Oliver Wendell Holmes said, "but in what direction we are moving"? And Shakespeare says in Hamlet, "Lord, we know what we are, but know not what we may be". So it is what we basically think, do and achieve. Buddha said, "All that we are is the result of what we have thought". And says Ralph Waldo Emerson, "A man is what he thinks all day long". We nourish all day workfulness or worklessness, are fearful, without confidence or enthusiasm or are full of commitment, courage to change, faith, belief in yourself and action full of energy makes the difference in our degree of success. Aristotle was very right in saying, "Whatever is expressed externally will be impressed internally".

I find the biblical version true, "To him who hath, more shall be given and to him who hath not, even that which he hath will be taken away". The rich get richer as they think of producing wealth with growth and the poorer get poorer as they think of just sufficient to meet their necessities.

Lord Krishna solved the dilemma and simplified the code of conduct and right to succeed with a single point program namely, The Law of Karma, (Action). All success and failure begin with us. The Lord says, "There are five factors in the accomplishments of goals through actions, namely, 1. Foundations of actions, 2. Team, 3. Inputs (7 M's-Men, machines, money, materials, markets etc., ) , 4. Individual & collective strategies and many desirable actions and 5. Faith in Providence (God's will), the Spiritual Quotient (SQ)". (XVIII.13-14). "Everybody lives life through its nature. If its nature leads it into evil ways, the manifestation becomes evil. So good behavior results in good life, both present and future". (XIII.21). "The roads to failure (hell) are three types of Negative actions:1. Lust for desire,2. Angerfulness and 3. Greed. Such actions must be abandoned". (XVI.21). Further, about negative people, Lord Krishna says, "1. Hypocrisy,2. Arrogance, 3. Self-conceit, 4. Harshness and 5. Ignorance, belong to those who are negative (ungodly)". (XVI.4). "People with such views, that is of small intellect and of cruel deeds, lead not only to their destruction but also of those of others". (XVI.9). "The qualities of Success of Positive people are (25 in all) namely:1. Fearlesslessness,2. Purity of mind,3. Wisdom in knowledge and concentration, 4. Generous,5. Self-control, 6. Action, 7. Analytical self-study, 8. Austerity (clean habits and working), 9. Straightforwardness; 10. Ahimsa (non-violence),11. Truth, 12. Angerlessness, 13. Ethical Management, 14. Peacefulness,15. Non fault-finding,16. Kindness, 17. Un-crookedness, 18. Gentleness, 19. Modesty,20. Firm Determination; 21. High energy levels,22. Forgiveness, 23. Fortitude, 24. Non-malice and 25. Non-egoism are the qualities which belong to the person having Positive nature (Godly)". (XVI-1-3). We must implement the above qualities and the Law of Karma stated by Lord Krishna and achieve bliss, happiness and success day after day. And J.W. Von Goethe says, " Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has power, magic and genius in it". There is the immense meaning in the poem of R.W. Servis: And so in the strife, of the battle of life,

It is easy to fight when you're winning.
It is to slave, and starve, and be brave,
When the dawn of success is beginning.
But the man who can meet with despair and defeat,
With a cheer now there is the man of God's choosing.
The man who can fight to heaven's own height is the
Man who can fight when he's losing.

I suggest, Obstacles don't obstruct, but instruct and will make the determined going ahead towards his goal.

Wishing You Of Success.

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