Prayer: Prayer is in every religion, but there is a disappointment for most, as the way is incorrect. The difference is that we must pray with all consciousness, as Jesus said, "With all your heart, all your mind, with all your soul, and with all your strength". God answers all prayers, but those with little energy He answers little. And those with greater energy His answer is proportionately potent.
It is with believing and with faith that you should pray. Realize and feel that God wants to very much answer your prayers, so long they are beneficial to you). Pray with fullness that you are God's own child, He is your true Father, and that you are not a beggar. Beggarly pleadings keep God away as they are not prayers, and when prayed as a Father, as a Guru, it brings Him close. In prayer focus on your potential and not feelings.
Chanting: It is repeating and singing. Chanting is like prayers, singing of few words. They can be melodious too. As in prayers, chant with consciousness.
In meditation, chanting should be done in silence, enabling opening of hearts to the God. Likewise, meditation and chanting can be done at working, driving, playing, cooking and other activities. Chanting awakens love and devotion in the heart and makes meditation lively.
The above 3 techniques should be used in the beginning of every meditation. In meditation, you will have conversations with the Super-soul, beyond words.
At the end of the meditation, feel you are having immense energy, peace and joy with you. Let actions emanate with this state of mind. Watch transformation of life within and around.