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Significance of Budh Grah

Significance of Budh Grah

According to astrology, Budha Grah rules the voice of a person along with other qualities. Budha has a calm and composed nature. Lord Vishnu rules planet Budha. The duration of Maha dasha of Budha dosha is 17 years. Budha adapts the qualities of other planets and gives respective results.

Budha Grah reaches full maturity at age 32. In Vedic myth, Budha Grah is born out of the Moon. One myth recounts how the Moon, overcome with lust, abducts Tara, the wife of Brihaspati, or Jupiter. Out of their union Budha, or Mercury is born. Thus the intellect is born of the mind.

There is a relationship of enmity between the Chandra Grah and Budha Grah that belies a deep truth. The Moon is innocent in its observation, while Mercury is evaluative and discriminating in its observation. BUDHA or MERCURY is considered as the greatest among the wise. This Devata bestows wisdom and wealth etc. on his devotees. He removes evil thoughts from their minds.

He is the chief among GNANIS (realized souls). He is considered Vishnu Rupi, because of his beauty and resemblance. A prayer to Him,especially on Wednesdays brings in manifold benefits like removal of all obstacles, helps one to get a progeny, possession of fertile lands etc.

Personality of Those Ruled by Budha Grah

A person under the influence of Budha Grah is usually loving and compassionate, with great sense of humor, polite demeanor, and higher-than-average intellect. It is of a dual nature, thus makes the person a little emotionally detached and independent. The person is likely to be good at communication, and bear high level of self-confidence. The analytical ability of the persons ruled by Mercury is usually exceptional. Their reasoning and power to persuade is also one of a kind.

Positive and Negative Results of Budha Grah

Budha Grah is very strong if placed in own sign or exalted and if strongly positioned by having aspect of benefic planets. Its auspicious results include higher level of intelligence, success in exams, strong verbal communication, persuasive power, good sense of humor, profits and gains in business, and so on. But Mercury can also be malefic if placed in enemy sign,debilitated or aspected by malefic planets. Its negative impact includes lack of judgment, poor reasoning and analytical ability, lack of intellect, problems in education, frequent sorrows and worries, stress, speech related disorders,argumentative behavior and so on.

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