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The Enzymes and Vitamins in Cancer Cure

The Enzymes and Vitamins in Cancer Cure

Many enzyme authorities recommend against most orthodox Chemo/Radiation therapy in favor of the following protocols:  

1.  Have surgery to remove as much of the tumor mass as possible.

2.  Purchase pancreatic enzymes (e.g. the Kelley or Wobenzyme oncologic formula). The formula must contain trypsin and chymotrypsin. Start with 4000 mg daily, and slowly increase to 45,000 mg until effective.

3.  Immediately follow the Brewer Cesium protocol, including laetrile - apricot seeds, that is given at the bottom of Brewer's paper, for 30 days.

Brewer Cesium Protocol

6 g cesium chloride (2000 mg A.M., 2000 mg noon, and 2000 mg evening after eating) 100,000 IU Vitamin A (Note: Vitamin A is very important and promotes cell differentiation which slows tumor growth.)5,000 to 10,000 mg Vitamin C Selenium - 200 to 400 (mcg) MICRO grams Zinc - 50 mg Laetrile (apricot seed extract) - 150 -200 mg.

"Many tests on humans have been carried out by H. Nieper in Hannover, Germany and by H. Sartori in Washington, DC as well as by a number of other physicians. On the whole, the results have been very satisfactory. It has been observed that all pains associated with cancer disappear within 12 to 24 hr, except in a very few cases where there was a morphine withdrawal problem that required a few more hours. In these tests 2 g doses of CsCl were administered three times per day after eating. In most cases 5 to 10 g of Vitamin C and 100,000 units of Vitamin A, along with 50 to 100 mg of zinc, were also administered. Both Nieper and Sartori were also administering nitrilosides in the form of laetrile. There are good reasons to believe that the laetrile may be more effective than the vitamins in enhancing the pickup of cesium by the cells. " - Keith Brewer  

4.  After the Brewer/Cesium protocol (which includes vitamin C) follow the Rath - Vitamin C/Lysine/EGCG protocol with 400 mg CoQ10.

5.  Supplement 12 to 50 mg Iodoral (Iodine/Iodide) daily.

6.  Add a good mineral/multivitamin - to cover all possible nutritional needs.

7.  Avoid refined carbohydrates, especially sugars which feed cancer.

8.  Avoid supplemental calcium (!) (Calcium speeds the growth of embryos, and perhaps cancer). Take supplemental magnesium/potassium

9.  Supplement with pure amino acids, sometimes called 'stacks' as a replacement for proteins. Amino acids do not require trypsin for digestion. Try eating proteins every other day - to rest the pancreas and perhaps allow more trypsin to enter the blood stream. Another idea is to supplement HCL (Betaine HCL) with meals to assist the stomach with protein digestion. Note: Take the pancreatic enzymes separately from Betaine HCL.

Note: The acid contents of the stomach stimulate the secretion of trypsin in the small intestine. Thus strong antacids, especially the 'nuclear' acid blockers, such as Nexium and Prilosec, may have a deleterious effect and should be avoided.

10. Take supplemental Milk Thistle (silymarin) to help cleanse and protect the liver from toxemia

11. Consider supplementing vitamin D (at least 800 IU) and vitamin K (1-40 mg) (both have shown anti-cancer properties in several studies)

12. Have dental amalgams (mercury) removed. Avoid water with fluoride. Take iodine/iodide to help the body eliminate common toxins. Consider I.V. EDTA Chelation, IP6 supplements, hot saunas, glutathione (NAC), and other heavy metal detoxification treatments to help restore normal pancreatic function impaired by heavy metal toxins.

Other orthomolecular substances are known to have anti-cancer activity, some of which include Iodine/Iodide, ginger, lysine/proline, lycopene, and r-alpha lipoic acid. If these substances are effective, they may either help restore pancreatic function or help inhibit the growth and spread of the false-placenta.

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