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Doctors have concluded that most diseases are triggered by your emotions and are Psychosomatic in nature. "Psyche" means mind or emotions and "Soma" means body. The new awareness that will come to you through meditation will help you at all aspects of your life. Think about your wellbeing by asking yourself: 

1.  Do you have comfortable sleep? 

2.  Do you feel energetic and enthusiastic? 

3.  Do you have recurring minor illnesses like cough and colds? 

4.  Do you have recurring problems? 

5.  Are you in the habit of procrastination? 

6.  Do you exercise regularly? 

7.  Do you take a balanced diet? 

8.  Do you have dependence on smoke, drugs or alcohol? 

Time to change? Always keep this question in life which will help you to consider changes in life which will enable inner and outer wellbeing.  

Please note that the fitness will give you positive feelings of well-being, greater energy and enhanced immunity to prevent many ailments. So try to take at least some exercise, brisk walk for instance. 

A.  Emotional Health: Your quality of communication and sustaining healthy relationship is important for emotional well being.  

Find for yourself: 

1.  Do you make and maintain long term relationships? 

2.  Are you a good parent, husband, wife, son or daughter? 

3.  Can you express feeling of love and tenderness to others? 

4.  Can you deal with anger? 

5.  Can you deal with jealousy? 

6.  Can you feel to be forgiven, accept forgiveness and forgive yourself and others? 

Please note that communicating with soul during meditation will help enhance inner wisdom, coping with difficult feelings and emotional situations. 

B.  Blocked Emotions: When you are unable to express feelings at the right time, they may be inner burden. These lead to frustrations and even some psychosomatic disorders and emotional imbalance. Ultimately the feelings would be let off in meditation, where you can be aware of the links of your body, mind, thoughts and feelings. You will realize how insignificant are these and must be let off. Communicate with the Soul and see the difference. 

C.  Stress Control: The stress leads to rise in pulse rate, BP, breathing and sweetening. Positive stress is healthy and motivates and helps you to achieve success. But negative stress from the competing external factors may be burdensome.  

Reduce this harmful stress by redefining your daily objectives and solutions. The question remains, do you want a change? Be ready to change, find a new outlook and value yourself. Trust inner suggestions. The stretching, massaging, relaxation, Pranayama and meditation techniques will make the difference.

D.  The Fountain of life:  Visualize a pool, the source of vitality and energy deep beneath the earth. While you breathe in, feel this vital energy as if  "blue liquid light" the "chilled Amrit the Nectar" entering your body through your soles, feet and spinal chord. When this "cool blue liquid light" reaches the top of your head it emanates like a fountain.  Now while you breathe out, feel this vital energy going back to the ground and through its pores to the pool beneath. 

With each in-breath that you take, feel invigorated; and with each out-breath feel cleansed. This meditation should be done for a cycle of 3 complete breaths. 

E.  Sub-atomic levels: Already discussed. 

F.  Revitalization: In this meditation sit comfortably. See yourself dressed differently, the clothes that you would like your inner self to wear. Visualize yourself being in a beautiful courtyard with lot of beautiful flowers and green plants. The air is smooth, scented and cool. In the centre there is a fountain pouring crystal-clear pure scented sweet water.

There are beautiful  cups hung around the fountain. Step forward, select a cup, and fill it with the cool pure scented water from the fountain. Drink this Amrit Nectar, and let this drink fill your mind, body and soul with new life and vitality. Make it a place you can revisit.

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