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Which God Should You Worship As Per Your Sun Sign

Which God Should You Worship As Per Your Sun Sign

According to the Hindu scriptures, people believe that there are numerous Hindu deities. All these deities are Avatars or incarnations of Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma and Shakti. Moreover, we worship the particular deity with whom we feel some connection. As per the Agni Purana, it is believed that if you worship God as per your sun sign then it brings more of auspiciousness in life.

When you worship a particular deity as per your sun sign, it helps to boost your celestial energy and it also makes an impact on the deity to pacify the planetary motions.

However, if you don't know which Gods are to be worshiped according to your sun sign, just go through the following points that will give you a clear perception about the same:

For Aries: Mars is the ruling planet for this sun sign. There is an unspoken connection between Lord Hanuman and the planet Mars. Both are lords of the day Tuesday (Mangalvaar) in mythology and astrology respectively.. To strengthen the planet Mars, Arians should worship Lord Hanuman.

For Taurus: Planet Venus is the master of this zodiac. Tuarians must wear white clothes and perfumes. Like Librans, they should also worship Goddess Laxmi. As Venus is ruled by Goddess Mahalakshmi, Taureans should offer prayers to Goddess Laxmi.

For Gemini: The governing planet for Gemini is Mercury. The ruling God for Mercury is "Srimannarayan", hence all Geminis must worship Lord Srimannarayan for fast benefits and good fortune in their lives.

For Cancer: Moon is the governing planet of Cancer. Goddess Gauri is the ruling God of Moon. Gauri is the personification of peace and compassion and, hence, if your sun sign is Cancer, you must offer your prayers to this Goddess with utmost devotion to fulfill your desires.

For Leo: Sun is the ruling planet for Leo and Lord Shiva is the ruling God for this planet. Offering water to the Sun in the morning will bring success for you.

For Virgo: Those born under sign Virgo, have their ruling planet as Mercury and their ruling God is Lord Srimannarayan. Donating green clothes will be beneficial for your business.

For Libra: If your sun sign is Libra, it is ruled by Venus and the ruling deity of this planet is Goddess Lakshmi. Thus, by worshiping Goddess Lakshmi, you can achieve good luck and wealth. Broadly speaking, Goddess Durga and all her avatars can be worshiped by Librans. Goddess Durga has nine main avatars. Among them Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Santoshi are mainly worshiped by Librans. Santoshi Mata is the daughter of Lord Ganaesha. This deity is worshiped to get peace and prosperity. 

For Scorpio: Mars planet rules this zodiac sign and, hence, all Scorpions should venerate Lord Shiva to strengthen their Mars planet.

For Sagittarius: Jupiter as their ruling planet, and their ruling lord is Sri Dakshina Murthy. Sagittarians must feed yellow colored cows with green grass.

For Capricorn: The planet Mars is the ruling planet for Capricorn. Lord Shiva is the ruling God of this planet, hence, all Capricorns must offer their prayers to Lord Shiva.

For Aquarius: Planet Mars governs this zodiac sign. Lord Shiva is the principle deity who rules Mars. Thus, if you are born under the Aquarius sign, you must venerate Lord Shiva daily by chanting his mantra with pure heart and dedication.

For Pisces: Pisces is also ruled by the Jupiter planet. All Pisceans must offer their prayers to Shri Dakhsinamurthy for better results.

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