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Life is difficult . These are the first three words of the world famous book, The Road Less Traveled by Dr. M. Scott Peck, the noted Psychologist. To me, Life is a series of transformation, constant changes and success. Life is difficult only due to our perception of simultaneous problems all along. Life is transformation due to our finding of the actionable solutions. Thus Life is Action. In the state of action-less-ness, existence of Life is more difficult. The more the actions, more vibrant is Life and degeneration towards lesser actions, Life ceases to exist. Success too is synonymous with doable solutions.

As per my own experience, the following steps led me and A LOT MANY TO SUCCESS: Experienced problems, Actions Envisioning Solution, Some time gap as Intermission, Illumination of Solution and Success. I always have worked that way. I always felt, God is with me. Time is so short, so much work around to be accomplished and journey so long!

Lord Krishna vividly explains these steps in his theory of Karmayoga, Bhaktiyoga, Sankhyayoga, Gyanyoga and Rajyoga. From the very early age, as a child I used to see God and saints in my dreams while sleeping or waking, and also listened various sounds even when no one around. I could hear bhajans and sermons too. No wonder I got intense towards God, His creation, serving saints, Satsang, and God realization. And as per the God's desire and blessings I learnt the Science of God Realization by a God realized ascetic, SAGE, the steps of meditations and divine eye activation at the age of eleven, the Transformation Meditation, The Hansa Yoga or Rajyoga, as principled by Lord Krishna in Gita. The Sage renamed me "Swami Shri Ramananda". At that time of God's Darshan (as described in Gita chapter 11), my respected mother was with me. Being inquisitive, I went into deeper realms of religion and kept discovering simple aspects of religion and God. I lived discovering life with enquiring mind regarding universal intelligence, namely, God. My respected father, Dr. B.M.Sharma and grand father Pt. Shiv Charan Das guided me and his younger brother, Sh. M.L. Sharma, whom we called with reverence, Pitaji (Father). The other world used to mention him with ardent respect as Mahatma Amritvelananda. I remained their student and did service to them, and to many saints and Pitaji at Lucknow and at my home town Dankaur, in Greater Noida. As per their advise I went searching around to meet and seek knowledge from various contemporary ascetics, saints at Ayodhya, Varanasi, Hardwar, Rishikesh and higher reaches of Himalayas. In my quest for knowledge, over a period of several years, I made it incumbent on me to meet a large number of ascetics, saints about whom one can read only in scriptures, the religious books.

I completed English translation of Bhagwad Gita, after years of work at the age of 35. So are many Upanishads, parts of Ramayana and relevant works. And all I did, as if driven by Divine Destiny, God, the "internal-sounds" and the "Illuminations". The German philosopher Emerson observes, "There is guidance for each one of us, and by lowly listening we will hear the right word".

I became the founder member of Nari Raksha Samiti and worked for atrocities on women drawing attention of Government of India and helped in comforting the lives of many unprotected girls and harassed by their in-laws. My help to them is a symbol of the respect of the divinity of those women for whom I felt responsible. I carry the blessings and prayers of those innocent women I helped.

I always have believed that all are God-men. The solutions of problems come from God, but while we are making efforts, the next steps are helped by people around. And I term them the God's men or God-men. It is all the time Action with PHD principle: Persistence, Hunger and Determination. As much as Marlon Smith, the youth motivational trainer says, "A vision without action is a wish, and wishes have no substance". However, the bad elements we must keep forgetting with the FIDO principle: Forget It-Drive On.

"I say, sometimes you win and sometimes you learn more about how to win", said Thomas Alva Edison, after more than ten thousand failed attempts at inventing the light bulb, which created revolution in our life. The management consultant, John Capozzi says, "A turn, or bend in the road, is not the end of the road?unless you fail to make the turn!" And, wrote Sir Francis Bacon: "While prosperity best discovers vice, adversity best discovers virtue, and the virtue that comes from adversity is fortitude. The good things, which belong to prosperity, are to be wished, but the good things which belong to adversity, are to be admired. Therefore, he knows not of his own strength that has not met adversity".

It is all about developing Intuition, which comes after "common-sense" (CS). For centuries, petty rules, silly convictions etc., held no power over CS. Through Intuitions, CS directed us when to come out of difficulties, taught us that the early bird gets the worm, and that life may not seem to be always fair. The father of CS is Truth and mother is Faith; his wife is Discretion, daughter Responsibility, and his son Reason; his brothers are Perseverance and Direction, Character is the sister; Wisdom and Actions are his friends.


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Maharishi Vasistha explains to Lord Rama in Yoga Vasistha :

Shaktipat or transmission of Divine powers can only be obtained from the Guru, through Guru Kripa, the guru-grace and Shaktipat enables unachievable divine powers, success and renunciation.

Adi Sri Shankracharya says in Shatshloki :

In this three dimensional body and world there is no comparison, synonym or example for the Guru. Guru can't be compared to even most precious Paras stone (the mystic touch-stone that converts metal to gold) as Paras just converts metal into gold, but cant make that as Paras itself. But on the contrary, the honorable Guru makes his shishyas or students as the Guru himself.

There are some Maryadas or "codes of conduct" explained in Vedas :

The Guru's mantras, personal development suggestions and meditation and worship techniques must remain confidential and not be told to any body nor in any conference. These and texts should be protected as your body. Express your respects towards the Brahmins, acharyas, teachers and Guru be respected and worshiped with bhakti, devotion and should be helped for seva, service in need and if difficulties arise. The flowers from temple and ashram be given top respect and not be thrown with disrespect but be offered in a river or under tree(s). Envision your family deity, divine God, the "Super-soul" in Sun, Moon, Cow, source of income and your organization, fire, Brahmin and Guru and meditate in morning, evening and including during travels. If there is some miracle or supernatural experience during sleep, waking time or in turia, the meditative states, the same should be confided only to Gurubhais, fellow shishyas of the Guru and the Guru only.

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