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Kalathra Dosha Meaning and Remedy

Kalathra Dosha Meaning and Remedy

Kalathra Dosha gives very powerful and ill effect in one’s horoscope. In Vedic Astrology, kalathra Dosha exist due to malefic planet or “paap graha”. Mars, Sun, Rahu, Saturn, and Ketu are malefic planets.  If these malefic planets are situated in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th,8th and 12th house from your ascendant or your lagan, or your moon lagan, then they cause this dosha.

What is Kalathra Dosham?
7th house in a horoscope is the houses of spouse and is also called as "kalathra sthana" or house. In simple terms also, kalathra stands for spouse. The kalathra in a male horoscope is Venus, and kalathra significator in a female is Jupiter. The 7th house in a horoscope stands for bed, spouse, harmony, partnership, happiness, marital happiness and good bonding with the spouse. Kalathra Dosha signifies afflicted marriage house and problems in the marital life and happiness.

Even after the marriage, they lack good understanding and live a separated life. They also lack conjugal bliss which ultimately ends upon divorce. In some cases, the spouse suffers due to health problems and even death may occur in severe cases.

No connection between 2nd, 7th and 11th house can lead to delayed marriage usually. The malefic planet or malefic affliction in 7th house or in 7th lord can create problems in married life. The array of planets affliction with 7th house or 7th lord can cause divorce and re-marriage.

Most of them often takes much care and time to solve the Marriage Problems. But the actual villain in the Marriage episode is this Kalathra Dosha. If Boy or Girl's horoscope indicates any form of Kalathra Dosha, that issue has to be addressed before conducting the Marriage.

How Kalathra Dosha occurs?

To check Kalathra dosha in a chart, we need to study the 2nd, 7th and 11th houses. 7th house has been given the most importance in evaluating this dosha because 7th house is the house of spouse and marital life.

·        Venus and Mars combination, especially in the 7th house. Such a native will attract affection with member of the opposite sex. However if 4th house, which is the house of chastity and its lord are not afflicted with malefic planets like Sun and have benefic aspect of Jupiter, then such a tendency will not arise.

·        Placement of Rahu

·        Lord of Seventh house is combust.

·        Rahu and Sun are in the 7th house.

·        Debilitation of 7th lord

·        7th Lord in 6th, 8th and 12th house

·        Association of 7th lord with lords of trik bhav (6th, 8th and 12th houses)

·        Other planet debilitated in 7th house

·        Presence of Venus in 7th house


·        The person who has identified with the Kalathira Dosham must be performed a marriage ceremony with Banana Stone.

·        The Best day for conducting this Pariharam is either on Friday or Sunday.

·        After completing this rituals, you will be guided to worship the Lord Shiva and Parvathi.

·        You can also donate some amount to participate in the "Anna Dhanam" (Feeding the Needy). The temple authorities provide free food to poor people on daily basis.

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