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Astrology, Horoscope & Tarot Articles by Umastro - Page 14

Astrology and birth chart reading can help an astrologer come up with various reasons which lead to more than one marriage in..

Lord Ganesha is known for giving auspicious start to a venture or an event. Whenever we talk of bringing in auspiciousness in..

Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. It gives strength to fight problems, and it takes away all the pain. Everyone ..

Ganesha, the formless divinity, symbolizes energy from which everything manifests and into which everything will dissolve. So..

Pranayama, or the control of Prana-inhalation and exhalation is precursor to Meditation, God realization and Salvation-Moksha..

The Colour therapy is based on the Sunlight, composed of the seven principle colors of the rainbow. The therapy enables one t..

In God's creation i.e., Prakriti or Nature, everything has its own distinctiveness through colours. This is true for all inan..

Santa Claus is the source of Christmas presents given to children on Christmas Day. Conventionally Santa Claus is portrayed a..

The Goddess Lakshmi is believed by the Indians, as the Goddess who generated and controls wealth of all kinds, success in any..

The crackers that make a noise of more than 125 decibels at four metres distance from the point of bursting are banned by the..

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I am Keshava Murthy, a Vedic Astrology consultant. Can help you with Career advice, Financial Issues, Health issues, Legal Issues, love and Relationships, Marriage Problems, Match making, Muhurtha, E

I can help you to examine areas of your Love Life, Relationships, Marriage, Health, Career etc giving you accurate answers and guidance to move forward.

I, Yogiraj, was inspired by my Guru to gain an insight into various fields of predictive sciences - astrology being the one. My interest led me to become an ex

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